Melodies bring memories
That linger in my heart
Make me think of Georgia
Why did we ever part?
Some sweet day when blossoms fall
And all the world's a song
I'll go back to Georgia
'Cause that's where I belong.
Georgia, Georgia, the whole day through
Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.
Georgia, Georgia, a song of you
Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.
Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you.
Georgia, Georgia, no peace I find
Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.
Music by Hoagy Carmichael and lyrics by Stuart Gorrell
Immortalized by the Great Ray Charles
Summertime is upon us, and while I was planning to be somewhere on I-10 in Louisiana by this time, there's still no place like home for a long holiday weekend. Hopefully I will get a chance to visit some family down in Florida before it's all said and done, but I'm just content in sitting around letting the day take me where it wants me to go.
There are actually only 2 places I would want to be on the night of the 4th - in a highrise along the river in Manhattan, or in Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta. By far some of the best fireworks shows I've ever seen, and since July 1 marks the day for the new state laws to take effect, Downtown Atlanta is probably the only place you will legally get to see any fireworks get airborne.
Here are 34 ways to know if you're truly from Georgia:
1. You can properly pronounce Chickamauga, DeKalb, Dahlonega, Smyrna, Buena Vista, Valdosta, Okefenokee, and La Fayette.
P.S.. Atlanta = ADD-LANNA not AT-LANT-A.
2. You think people who complain about the heat in their states are sissies.
3. A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel.
4. You know that the true value of a parking space is not determined by the distance to the door, but by the availability of shade.
5. Stores don't have bags or shopping carts, they have sacks and buggies.
6. You've seen people wear bib overalls at weddings and funerals.
7. You think everyone from a Yankee-state has an accent.
8. You measure distance in minutes.
9. You go to the lake because you think it is like going to the ocean.
10. You listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit.
11. You know cowpies are not made of beef.
12. Someone you know has used a football schedule to plan their wedding date.
13. You know someone who has a belt buckle bigger than your fist.
14. Almost everyone you know is either Baptist or Methodist.
15. A Mercedes Benz isn't a status symbol. A Chevy Silverado Extended Bed Crew Cab is.
16. You know everything goes better with Ranch dressing.
17. You learned how to shoot a gun before you learned how to multiply.
18. You actually get these jokes and are "fixin'" to send them to your friends.
19. On one side of the road there's Wal-Mart and on the other is a cotton field.
20. The directions to your house include "turn off the paved road."
21. "Ya'll" is a word.
22. Fried chicken is a major part of your diet
23. Krispy Kreme donuts are the only kind of donuts you eat.
24. You call it a cold Christmas if you don't break out in a sweat in your new sweater.
25. Your whole town completely shuts down for 1 inch of snow or just the threat of snow.
26. People actually grow, eat and like okra!
27. You know the difference between a hillbilly, a redneck, and a Southerner.
28. Your dog and your wallet are both on chains.
29. Panama City Beach, Florida is a big deal.
30. You understand that at least once a year your car will turn yellow with pollen.
31. You know at least one Bubba, and maybe a few guys named Bo.
32. You say "tuna fish sandwich."
33. You use "Sir" and "Ma'am" if there's a remote possibility that person you're talking to is least 30 minutes older than you are.
And finally...
34. You are 100% Georgian if you have ever had this conversation:
"You wanna coke?"
"What kind?"
"Dr Pepper."
Anyway, hope everyone has a good weekend... and a prayer goes out to my Texas counselor and to my neighbors that lost their 6 and 7 year old cousins in a car accident on their way to summer camp this week. Everyone please be careful out in those streets! In closing, here is probably one song that can almost make me cry on demand...
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