Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"Its a celebration, b#$^$!" - Rick James

“It’s a celebration, bitches!” – Rick James

Well, I got up early Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago with the intent to drive up to Greensboro. Everything looked good at first – picked my boy Rob G. at his place on the north side of town, got right back on 285 and headed north. When I made my first stop for gas in Gaffney, SC, I discovered that I brought my travel bag with my essential stuff, but I left my garment bag with my pants and shirt at home. Strike one. On the other side of Charlotte, traffic comes to a complete stand-still. White people walking around on the highway reminiscent of FreakNik ’93. Maybe I should have turned on a local station instead of listening to satellite radio so I would have known there was a race at Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Concord… long story short, a 4-5 hour drive turned into 7 real quick. Game was over by the time I made it to campus. I didn’t find out we lost until Monday night when I got home from work.

What’s funny is I still had a great time – I saw about 5 of my old friends from school while I was up there, but just being able to walk around Greensboro during the one time of year there’s something going on just made me feel refreshed… even though I stayed out until 6:30 am Sunday morning. I can’t say that I will be going to homecoming every year, but I know that I will still be enjoying myself when I do. AGGIE PRIDE!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What is it about the first six months?

For all of you married people, how did you make it past six months? The infatuation stage has passed, you stop putting on your “interview” face and start showing your real side. What else do you two do that makes you stay together? Apparently, I haven’t been told about that magical extra part.

Over the past two years, I have been in two relationships that were going great until around six months in. In both cases, differences of opinion about one thing or another made things go south fast. What I learned from my last relationship is that there will always be differences of opinion and every person has their own way of doing things. In the first relationship, I think that I was looking for a way out, and the argument presented that opportunity. In the latter, I truly wanted things to work out. That’s not to say that things are completely over at this point, but needless to say I am truly hurt. I found out on my birthday through the mail – I inadvertently left my watch at her place, and she mailed it back to me. I know that I can be a little dense when it comes to getting a clue, but even I got that one. What kills me is the fact that there wasn’t even an attempt on her part to work things out. I look at my parents’ relationship and how they have evolved through my life, and I see two entirely different people, both with contrasting and conflicting ideals. It seemed to work for them for 30 years, so why can’t she give things a chance? I am by no means a perfect man, and trying to be perfect in my opinion is an exercise in futility. We all have our faults – the best thing we can do is accept that we have them, and try our best to improve on them over time.

Maybe my clueless, dense self completely overlooked something about her that I may never find out about… who knows? All I can say at this point is I have had some crappy birthdays in my time, but this one takes the cake. I am officially on the clock for my 30th birthday – I promise you that days 2 through 365 of my 29th year on this Earth will be 110% better than this one. Starting October 5. Happy Birthday to me.