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¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
"I'm feeling good from my hat to my shoe,
know where I am going and I know what to do,
I've tidied up my point of view,
I've got a new attitude."
- "New Attitude", by Patti LaBelle
I hope that everyone has recovered nicely from their 2006 celebrations and is ready to get down to business after a long break (I actually am not drunk in this pic). Now is the time to implement those New Years Resolutions that
we have repeated over and over again for countless years. I will say that I have achieved as least one of my goals from 2005 in keeping a record of my thoughts and accounts. There are some other things that did not come out like I planned, but with another year of failure comes another year of knowledge. I have certainly learned more from my mistakes than just about anything that I have learned in school. With my 30th birthday rapidly approaching (only 9 more months of shopping days left for all of you), I definitely intend to make 2006 one of the most productive years of my life. I won't sit here and list out all of my goals for the year, but suffice it to say that I do not intend to relive to recreate any of my low points of 2005. Having said that, I would like to extend a special thanks to the people that made me get some of that "bought sense" as my late grandmother so lovingly put it. I will not forget nor will I repeat the mistakes I made both personally and professionally in the past year. I will admit that I have a bad habit holding grudges and allowing them to rule the way I think and make decisions - this year I vow that I will start a clean slate with everyone regardless of where our relationship was left in the past few years. If you were in my life in the past, it was for a reason, and I can no longer allow my anger control my life as it has in the past.
So let me be the first to tell everyone Happy New Year - I wish all of you a prosperous 2006 and as much of a "NEW ATTITUDE" as I plan to have as well.
1 comment:
Damn Karl... What the hell is life without holding grudges against those that have completely disregarded you in one way or another???
Nothing makes me happier than to know my grudgee is dying inside because I refuse to talk to them, meet with them, or even acknowledge the fact that they still reside here on Earth.
They ponder their own ego and shutter when their calls, e-mails, and letters go completely ignored!
Nevertheless, if your happy 2006 encompasses you changing your outlook on the art of emotional payback, I'm happy for you and wish you the best. Had a blast at the New Years party, and thanks for inviting us. Peace...
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